Request for Proposals: Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy
on February 19, 2024

Request for Proposals: Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy

In 2020, J-Palm Liberia (JPL) signed a 4-year grant agreement with the United States African  Development Foundation (USADF) to improve the livelihoods of smallholder oil palm processors in rural  communities in Bong County, Liberia. The purpose of the project is to increase the incomes of J-Palm and its associated  palm kernel smallholders and oil processors.  

JPL intends to contract the services of a Consultant (individual or firm) to: 1) conduct an endline survey  of beneficiaries and communities relative to the project’s key indicators and outputs; and 2) to  compile, analyze, and write the endline report that detail the current social, economic, and livelihood  conditions of project beneficiaries as compared to those indicators prior to the beginning of project implementation. 

The maximum duration of this activity is twenty (20) days, and the expected start date is as early as possible in March 2024. The entire survey will be conducted in Bong County, Liberia.

JPL Overview 

J-Palm Liberia’s overarching goal is to develop a sustainable model to create premium quality consumer  goods for Liberians while simultaneously creating income-earning and employment opportunities for  Liberians. J-Palm Liberia works to empower smallholder oil palm processors in rural communities by  providing access to modern, more efficient processing technologies.  

J-Palm Liberia’s mini mills reduce processing time by 90% and improve extraction rates by 50-100% for  smallholders. J-Palm Liberia also purchases the palm kernels, which were previously viewed as a waste  product, to process into Palm Kernel Oil (PKO), which is incorporated into its own brand of health and  beauty products, or sold to other businesses.


Project Background 

Natural ingredient supply chains such as palm oil have the potential to improve smallholder  livelihoods and reduce environmental impact if properly structured, managed, and promoted.  However, smallholders in Liberia are currently bypassed by global palm demand, that instead  promote palm from industrial plantations that can cause huge environmental degradation.  

This project is focused on developing the wild dura palm (“country palm”) value chain, the majority of which  is unharvested, poorly processed, and unlinked to high value export markets. This naturally  growing resource creates an opportunity to develop an organic palm supply chain based on the  current palm fruit production that can then traded on the international market. 

This grant enables the installation of 20 mini-mills that reduce processing time by 65% and improve  extraction rates by 50% for an estimated 6,349 smallholders. J-Palm Liberia purchases the palm  kernels, previously a waste product, to process into palm kernel oil, which is exported or incorporated  into their own products. The grant also funds investment into Blockchain tracking technology that will  register smallholders and track all purchases in the supply chain, and this will be used to track project  indicators over the life of the project.


Project Beneficiaries 

The direct beneficiaries of this project in Liberia are smallholder farmers, seasonal workers,  sharecroppers (who work on the land) and settlers (who live and work on the land) – the term  ‘smallholder’ is used to apply to all of these categories. Sharecroppers and settlers do not own their  own land, and as a result are considered some of the most marginalized groups in their communities.  Access to capital is a challenge and farmers are unlikely to have access to formal credit. The processing  of palm is done primarily using traditional methods, such as pit processing. 

The benefits for the direct 6,349 smallholders in Liberia, are consistent demand for their palm fruit,  improved knowledge and processing facilities for palm fruit via mini-mills, increased revenues and  income, and a new market for their palm kernels.  

Indirect beneficiaries for the project have been calculated by using average household size of 5.1 for  Liberia, based on the 2008 Population and Housing Census, meaning the project will impact 26,031  beneficiaries indirectly. While the majority of landowners of palm are considered likely to be male, for  the processing of oil the number of assisting laborers is estimated at 80% female, meaning the projected  direct beneficiary impact is estimated to be 53.2% female.  


Terms of Reference of the Consultancy: 

  1. Review the baseline survey report, and use the information contained therein to design and implement survey instruments to capture end-line indicators among all direct and indirect beneficiaries. 
  2. Lead and implement field surveys to capture qualitative and quantitative endline indicators, and to ensure data quality and integrity.
  3. Analyze survey data and produce detailed project endline report, integrating field surveys with existing wider household surveys

Proposals should include: 

  • Cover letter, addressing Consultant’s relevant experience, qualifications, and suitability to the assignment
  • A technical proposal that includes Consultant’s interpretation of the assignment’s ToRs and deliverables; proposed methodology; work plan and timeline.
  • A financial proposal that includes cost of logistics, travel, accommodation, supplies, consultancy fees, and all other relevant costs. All costs must be expressed in US Dollars.
  • Consultant’s CV (for firms, Company Profile and CVs of all key staff to be assigned to project).

How to Apply: 

Consultants should email proposals to on or before February 26, 2024. 

If you have any questions, or need any additional information, kindly email us at